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The bible and the law of the land gives many rules regarding conduct and relationships. When we seek to ignore this foundation, we kick against the proverbial brick and make life so much more difficult than it needed to be.

I have always aimed at doing this all my life but many felt that I had no real contributions because I was sheltered and unaware. Our testimony is to be the best person that we can be irrespective of the challenges. The Lord promises to restore our garden of Eden experiences in this life but many do not seem to believe. We feel the need to work to attend what it is that God offers to us freely through His sacrifice and His Love.

In the scripture below we are admonished to think the true, right, honest, factual things and then wisdom would be the result as we would avoid the confusion and interpretation at a level that there should be no need.

Psalm 51:6, CSB: “Surely you desire integrity in the inner self, and you teach me wisdom deep within.”


There is an intellectual property issue that is addressed in this scripture. It is quite taboo and rarely openly discussed or acknowledged. This practice is seen as wrong biblically as well as legally. To disobey an issue in which the Bible and the law agrees is no doubtably suicide.

I implore you, as I grieve the life I could have had, as I grieve the family I lost, as I grieve the distances that have grown between friendships, as I grieve the need to work at the expense of community, as I grieve the aspects of life that should be so simple that are so difficult, as I grieve the need to grieve with a friend but must grieve alone, as a grieve my grief, I implore you to do what is best for you as every action that goes against your best interest maybe considered as a suicide attempt on your own life and you will become liable for forced treatment by a government waited and sometimes wounded with issues that are in fact our own…

I am a seasoned, reputable individual, who has been contracted as a Manager, Consultant and Business Implementation team member. I am available for contracts.

Thanks in advance.

I am available for collaborative contracts in 2021 and beyond.

Best wishes,
Sandra M. Carr-Moore (Ms.)
Chief Consultant / Owner
RovingAssistant.Com (RAC)
Your project management partner providing critical business support services, no job’s too small!!!
Tele-WhatsApp: 1-876-352-1586
Website: http:/www.rovingassistant.com/
Email: smcarrmoore@rovingassistant.com / smcarrmoore@gmail.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/smcarrmoore/

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