I started my website/business (www.rovingassistant.com) and was going along fine, suspecting that others were reaping from my work but I went on nevertheless. It was hard, I marketed so hard but nothing came in. Only friends offered me jobs and I was grateful. I began sharing my struggles and many could relate. I have completed the last Branson Centre Entrepreneurship Workshop and have signed up for my master’s degree with the University of South Wales, so I am looking forward to greater opportunities. I will continue to write with simplicity unless otherwise required because I desire to Branson Centre Article with RAC 2016 Jan 18_editedcommunicate with all and not just an “elite sect”.

I request you my supporters to boycott any person/company that becomes the next owner of this domain name at my expense. Evil continues when good men do nothing.

If you want to buy my domain name/company then no reasonable offer will be refused and all communication will be strictly confidential.


If you want me to refer jobs to you or your company, then send me your details and I will pass on jobs for a finder’s fee.

I encourage my fellow entrepreneurs. It may be difficult but we can only failure if we refuse to get up when we fall.

Sandra Carr-Moore