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Life is made up of imitating what we see. From we enter as babes and beyond. We mimic our family as they walk, talk, eat, to name a few and then as we grow we find others to mimic. I am now delightfully experiencing this process with my grand daughter. I watch her as she mimics and then make the behaviour her own. This demonstrates how our inner light shines through our mimicked behaviour and it becomes our original masterpiece.

We have all lived and continue to live this truth. Who we are now and who we will become are directly linked to the behaviour patterns we mimic. Of course as we get older, we begin to choose who we mimic and therein lies the problem if we mimic negative behaviours. Some are stronger than others and they can resist the pull of negative behaviours but given enough time eventually all succumbed.

So the moral of this tale is, find and be positive influences for and to all. Be a giant to someone today and everyday…

Sandra Carr-Moore
MD, RovingAssistant.Com
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