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by Adriana Girdler

So, what are the biggest contributing factors to meeting ineffectiveness? Janine Popick, author of the article “Don’t Let Meetings Suck your Time,” says there are six things that make for terrible meetings:

  1. Meetings allow people to delay decisions
  2. Most people who are in meetings don’t need to be there
  3. People call meetings because they’re afraid to make a decision
  4. Many people who call a meeting don’t have a clear agenda or objective
  5. People call 30-minute meetings for things that can be decided in five minutes
  6. Most meetings cost too much by wasting people’s time

I agree with these six factors because I’ve experienced all of them at one time or another when I worked for a large corporation. And I see it with some of my own clients.

I don’t want to suggest all meetings are bad. They just need to be re-purposed and employees taught the fundamentals of creating more effective meetings. The great news is that you can start running an effective and efficient meeting immediately.