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The greatest work of Jesus was to come and die on our behalf. However, he went further than that. He spent 30 years or so to really experience what it means to be human. 

God’s one and only desire is to have a one-and-one relationship with each and every one of us. This connection will give Him the opportunity to guide you into the path that will make you the best version of yourself, fueled by His traumatic experiences as a human.

You don’t have to endure negative experiences to attain true maturity. He is all you need. The quicker you get to it, the further you can grow beyond our fore-fathers. They worked and recorded all to ensure that we get to where they were faster so that we can progress farther than they did. Jesus said greater works… Do you believe? This progression speaks to EVERY area of our lives.

He loves us and died for us although He knew every bad thing we ever did and will ever do…

Believe and receive His love today!!!

In faith and love for our progression, Sandra M. Carr-Moore